It has been over a year since I’ve posted. So where have I been and what have I been up to. Shortly after my last post, a very dear friend of mine passed away. My brother was then hospitalized, my mom had complications from surgery and we almost lost her, and then my kids have been excessively sick and seeing all sorts of specialists. Let’s throw in there the normal day to day tasks. But throughout that time, I also took extra time for myself to heal and grow and learn. I’ve taken a few certifications and course that required doing extra work on myself as part of the training. I’ve had so many revelations. I am excited to be in a place where I am ready and able to return home to myself. This month in and of itself is symbolic of a return home. After finally being finished with procedures and doctor appointments, I took the kids and we went to NY to spend time with my parents and one of my older daughters. Returning home to where I grew up has always been triggering and difficult for me.

While we were there, I also went to Jamaica with my dad. A return to where he was born and grew up. I got to relive some of his memories and some of my own from my visits to Jamaica growing up. I got to stand in my grandmother’s kitchen and feel her presence. I was also able to make a connection that I have been asking the universe for that can teach me more about herbalism but specifically from my roots and culture. Yet another way of returning home. This mentor, now friend, also helped me make the connection of how returning home brings things full circle.

After returning back to my home and getting settled, I took the time to reflect on my recent travels. It made he think about how important it is that we go back as far as we can to heal things from the root. As women, we hold a lot of trauma in our womb. And if you’ve ever heard the information that because we are born with all our eggs, your eggs were once inside your grandmother and also your mother when you were a fetus in her womb. So imagine that everything that your grandmother experienced, good or bad; that energy was not only felt by your mother, but it was also felt by you. As trauma is passed down, generation after generation, it can make it harder to heal from and change. This is why it is important to heal things from the root. To look back not only at your childhood but to look at how these connect with the history of the women in your family so you can better recognize the patterns that you need to break. We do this by healing our heart space and our womb space so that we can return back home to our authentic selves; to the highest versions of ourselves.


Unconsciously suppressing emotions


The Resurrection