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  • Summer Solstice Heart Chakra Meditation

    The summer solstice is the start of the summer season and the longest day of the year, marking the high point of expansion and celebration. It is a time of new beginnings, harvesting the blessings of all of the work that you have been doing, abundance and light. It is a time of expansion and growth. I invite you to join me on a heart chakra meditation that will allow you to make space in your heart to live your soul's purpose and reap the rewards associated with it.

  • Ancestral Heart Meditation

    Ancestral Heart Meditation

    I invite you to join me on a journey through an ancestral heart healing meditation. In shifting the energies of your heart space into their purest form your lineage can finally walk free, releasing their trauma and their karma so that you and your children and the generations to come don't have to relive them.